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Natural Light Vodka Go-to-Market Product Launch


March 2021

The Ask: Anheuser Busch approached us with the challenge of introducing Natural Light Vodka to university markets.

The Idea: We devised a strategy to seamlessly integrate into college students' routines and provide them with a compelling reason to try Natural Light Vodka. Leveraging Snap's unique capabilities, we created personalized filters and lenses that allowed students to express themselves creatively while interacting with the brand. To capture maximum attention, we strategically aligned the campaign with the "back to school" period, tapping into the excitement students feel about returning to campus, particularly after the challenges posed by the pandemic.

Results: Our approach proved highly effective, with the campaign achieving success in breaking through among Snapchatters. The personalized filters and lenses resonated with our target audience, driving engagement and fostering brand awareness within university markets.

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